About Us
A full-service photography & video studio located in the historic district of uptown Oakland
Spacious 3800 ft², a 20x38' infinity wall, diverse backdrops & shooting environments
Beautiful northern light lounge
In-house equipment and light rental & pre-production
We're a few steps from coffee shop's, great restaurants and vibrant Friday Art Walk
Movable Wall
Red & White Brick Options
Professional Kitchen
Large Dining Table for Meals or Production
Movable Make-up Station
Comfortable Lounge Area
Inside Parking for Grip Truck or 2 Car Parking
Open Floor Plan
3800 ft² Studio Space
16' Tall Ceiling
20x38' Infinity Wall (freshly painted)
12' High Truss (& speed rail infrastructure)
280 ft² Paneled Wall Studio with
Northern Daylight Exposure
12' Roll-up Door
Damping / Blackout Curtain
We offer a comprehensive array of state-of-the-art equipment rental
Custom kits tailored to your project for both photo & video.
Provide grip, lighting, camera & digital solutions, full-service or a la carte
Hasselblad, Phase One
Canon, Sony
Profoto, Broncolor
Briese, Arri
Kino-Flo, Lowel
We're located in the historic district of uptown Oakland
Phone: 510.808.7629
Email: rental@cove26.com